Packing for Rome

[caption id="attachment_1378" align="alignnone" width="645"]DSCN3823 Things I have learned about packing for overseas travel.
1. I probably have too much stuff.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1377" align="alignnone" width="645"]DSCN3822 2. My dad is amazing.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1379" align="alignnone" width="645"]DSCN3824 3. My stuff will never fit into my suitcase this way again.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1380" align="alignnone" width="645"]4. Lugging all this stuff around Rome and Ireland is going to either build muscle or knock me out. 4. Lugging all this stuff around Rome and Ireland is going to either build muscle or knock me out.  Hey, at least it's pretty much done!  Mostly...[/caption]
