The Travel Chronicles: Euro Edition
Everybody keeps asking me if I'm excited about going to Rome. Sure I am, but mostly I'll be excited when I'm actually in Rome and the stress of travel prep is out of the way. The to-do list covers a whole sheet of paper, but is slowly being whittled down until the final entry: PACKING. At the moment, however, I'm just trying to put the last pieces together so that I can actually pack. Today's job, after several hours of substitute teaching, was to order euro. (Apparently the plural of euro is euro, for anyone {like me} who thought it was euros.) Weeks ago, I'd called around to several different banks to find out if any of them handled foreign currency. I finally found one that told me I didn't have to be a member to order. So today mom dropped me off at that bank and went to run a couple of errands. I got into the bank, and found that I apparently did have to be a member. Drat. So I spent the next half-hour standing outside the bank in the cold...