Small Success Thursday: Thesis Edition

Small Success Thursday

This is a week of very tiny successes.  It's been crazy and stressful, but God willing I'll have a decent thesis to turn in next week.

1) I actually managed to say a whole novena.  I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I swear it's really hard for me to actually remember for nine days in a row!  I'm praying desperately to St. Joseph to figure out my post-graduation job situation.  It's daunting and scary, but I'm trusting my heavenly father to help me out.

2) My thesis adviser (who is absolutely amazing) was able to meet with me early this week.  We figured out how to rearrange my thesis so that it's more coherent and thematically consistent, which actually means that I don't have to do another massive chunk of research.  I still have so much to do - rewrite my introduction, edit and finish the second chapter, write a quarter of the third chapter, and write the whole introduction...but it's getting there.  Nothing got done yesterday but footnotes, which needed to be done at some point so I'm counting that as progress!

3) The Legion of Mary group here on campus is spectacular.  I realized again this week just how great the freshmen are who have joined Legion this year.  They're being very accommodating to having a thesising senior as their president; I'm doing my best to try and educate them, but they're doing a lot of it themselves.  I'm not sure what I'd do without each and every one of them!

girl with books.jpg


  1. Congrats on your thesis progress! (And I have never once completed a Novena. I'm the poster child for Novena Dropouts. What's your secret?)

  2. I've discovered that having a novena buddy helps a lot. My roommate and I either pray together or at least remind each other. :)

  3. That IS smart!

  4. We're on day four of the St. Joseph Novena in our household. We started a week ago. His feast day has long past. Sigh. #novenafail


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